DeliverGlyphs: quickly import all glyphs of a font in InDesign

Jean loup Fusz InDesign, Scripts Leave a Comment

DeliverGlyphs is an InDesign script that allows you to import a set of glyphs located between two Glyph IDs (GIDs) in a text frame. Simply fill in the first and the last one to get the set of glyphs separated by a space.

The imported glyphs are those of the active font at the moment the script is launched. Choose the desired font and glyph before launching the script.

Reminder: To know the GID of a glyph, you can open the Glyphs panel and stop the cursor on the desired glyph for a few seconds. The tooltip will give you the GID.

Note: To import all the glyphs of a font, it is better to know the last GID available in the font. To do this, sort the glyphs by their GID in the Glyphs panel popup menu and retrieve the GID of the last character. You can also set the last GID to an excessively high value, the script will stop at the last character found.



A 30-second exit door

During the beta testing phases, it sometimes happened that the script execution time exceeded 5 minutes, depending on the number of glyphs to be imported and the type of hard disk installed on the computer used.
In order to avoid blocking, the script pauses after 30 seconds of execution. At this point, it indicates how many glyphs have been imported, how many remain and gives an estimate of the time remaining. The user can then choose to finish the import or to stop the execution of the script. (He will be able to import later the remaining glyphs with a smaller range).

Download DeliverGlyphs

You can download DeliverGlyphs by clicking here: DeliverGlyphs 1.1

Available languages: French, English (EN), German (DE)

Compatibility : Mac OS, Windows. InDesign CS5 to 2020


  • to Bénédicte Chantalou, Élisabeth Canivet and Jean-Marc Lévy for the beta-tests and their valuable and documented feedback
  • to Marc Autret for the quality of his scripts and snippets (the progress bar and localization are from his work)
  • to Olav Kvern and his Insert-A-Glyph’o-matic script that inspired me…


Bugs & Feature Request here.

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